Mar 13, 2012

Mark is officially my roommate … by officially, I mean, contractually.

Back in February Mark and I verbally agreed that beginning March 1st., he would start paying rent. Well, the first came and went … no rent! So I asked him when he intended to contribute his share. His response … “I can’t pay since I don’t have a job!” Evidently, he was under the impression that he could slide on the rent till he become gainfully employed.

After a lengthy conversation I informed Mark that rent was non-negotiable … that employed or not he has to financially contribute. And because he couldn't honor our verbal agreement I would require him to sign a sub-lease agreement in which his obligations and expectations were clearly outlined. Once the contract was drafted he signed it. Four days later Mark paid a portion of his rent … he still owes a balance due.

Because of Marks inability to come up with his share of the rent it has put a strain on my own finances. Had he paid in full I would have been ok this month and by next month I would be set. However, now I’m having to juggle bills just to keep my head above water. Needless to say, I’m concerned! If April comes and Mark doesn’t have his rent it will cause a definite financial hardship and I will have to take steps to bring the problem under control once and for all.

My thing is this. If I’m going to pay the bills then I might as well live alone. I don’t mind helping someone, but I’m not going to support a grown man, let alone be taken advantage of. I appreciate what contributions Mark has made. But to think that I’m going to support him till he finds work, well, it just ain’t gonna happen. I can barely support myself as it is … adding someone else is financial suicide.

I really hope Mark gets his act together. Right now is our hiring season for the summer … there are jobs out there. I just hope he takes advantage of this time and finds employment.

Until Tomorrow ...

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