Oct 1, 2024

Sep 14, 2024


 What A Bitch!



Life Issues

Life's been good. Taking it one day at a time. The only downside is my spinal stimulator implant, The top portion broke through the skin causing an infection. I was hospitalized for three days being pumped full of antibiotics. Blood draws every four hours. It was not a pleasant experience.

Obviously, the device had to be removed. It's been suggested that it was incorrectly implanted. I am filing a complaint with the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General. I'm also in touch with an attorney. One thing is clear, this should've never happened. And quite frankly, I'm pissed!

As for having another device implanted, my surgeon stated that due to scar tissue, it would be next to impossible. Therefore, I'm back to square one. Since the device was removed, I've been experiencing a high level of pain. My pain management physician and I have a plan in place to address my pain. I know that it won't be long before I will have to give in to undergoing surgery.


Down By The Sea

Sitting on the shore, listening to the roar of the ocean, and watching the caps crash onshore is a spiritually cleansing experience. When I know I'm heading towards a downward spiral it is my go-to therapy. Enjoy the sound.



Grate Immage!


May 25, 2024

Happy Memorial Day

Tom MacDonald - "America"

May 11, 2024

Happy Mother's Day MOM


Westlife - I'll See You Again
You Only Have One Chance … No Matter What, Reach Out!

Mar 23, 2024

Happy Easter

Whitney Houston - I Look to You

Mar 9, 2024


The Wanna Be King

Trump can run, but he sure can't hide.

What you gonna do when He comes for you?

Judgment day IS coming!


90-Plus Indictments

(yet to be convicted)

There is one issue. Should Trump win the election it's a good possibility the 90-plus indictments against him will go away or he will pardon himself. If either happens Trump will have gotten away with overthrowing the government by stealing the election which he lost fair and square. Trump is also about status by cozying up to dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jingsping.

We cannot allow Trump to lay hands on the keys to the White House, The ONLY way to bar Trump from winning the election is by VOTING ... to put the final nail in any future political aspirations he may have. Trump is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Therefore, come November, VOTE! Our future, America's future, hangs on every VOTE against Trump.

Jan 27, 2024

Oh Donald!

 "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." -National Archive.

If under the constitution Trump isn't held accountable for his actions while president, if elected, this will give him unlimited power to do as he wishs and not be held accountable for his actions.

The wording "NO PERSON" inclueds the president. If the supreme court rules that the "NO PERSON" does not include the president, then this would give Trump and any future president the right to knowingly violate the law and not be held accountable. This is dangerous for our democracy.

This issue is going to be worth following. I personally believe Trump is is inelgible to be president and specially if he is a convicted felon. Having a president rule from prison is irrehensible. Stay tune. 

Paper Art From Around The Net


Political Cartoon

Jasmine Thompson & Calum Scott - Love Is Just A Word




 If you will, imagine for a moment your neighborhood, town, and city locked down from which you can't escape. You have no water, electricity, or food. Medical services are on the brink of collapse. And you are murderd for who you are and love, how you believe, and how you live.

This is happening not only in Ukraine and Palestine, but throughout the world, displacing millions of souls and millions more slaughtered at the hands of ruthless dictators and bloodthirsty thugs. The rule of law and blatant disregard for human life has become a daily reminder of how societies around the world has become unhinged.

Living in America, we are shielded from the chaos that is happening around the globe. But I do have to ask for how much longer? We see hatred on the rise. Extremist theology

infiltrating our government, churches, and society at large. We are also seeing the erosion of rights and the demonization of those who don't support the agenda of the far right. The idea of live and let live is sundowning and could possibly bring about the near same results of what we see around the globe.

We certainly live in troubling times! Life around us is rapidly changing. From one moment to the next we see abhorrent evil on the rise. Our morals and characters are being tested, asking on which side will we stand. Will it be for good or evil? The call is going out ... “choose you this day whom you will serve”. My prayer is that we will not fall into the abyss of no return.

Christmas 2023 - Trains

 Longwood Garden's Christmas Lights Extravaganza

Christmas 2023 - Beautiful and Magical


Longwood Gardens Christms Light Exrtravaganza
It was beautful and magical.
It's worth attending.

I had a great Christmas. The frist in almost three yrars. For a while life got pretty complicated causing me to skip Christmas. However, 2023 brought my life back to order, giving me a reason, and happly so, to take in the meaning and significance as to why we celebrate the season. This Christmas was truly a special celebration for me.

Jan 13, 2024

Dedicated To All Who Suffer In Loneliness

Fearless Soul Ft. Rachael Schroeder Don't Worry- Good Things Will Come

If You're In Distress Call 988