Jan 24, 2011

Interesting how life can sure dictate a change in course when you least expect it.

Today's E.R. visit came with some grim news. The bleeding I 'm having is due to a tumor the size of a quarter in my bladder. Further tests this coming Wednesday for a more precise diagnosis. But as it stands, it doesn't look all that rosy.

Needless to say, I am scared shitless!

Until Tomorrow ...


  1. You didn't respond to my email so I am guessing that means you don't want to hear from me but this, this is something different Philip. In the grand scheme of things all of it means nothing and I am worried and scared for you. I AM here for you.. You CAN call me. I would call you but I don't think it's welcomed but please do NOT go through this alone even if it's ME that goes through it with you I will..

  2. My Prayers are with you.

  3. hey guy, your friend here sends you a hug and smile.

  4. Call me if you need a listening ear.
