Jan 25, 2011

Therapy went well! The assignment: if I had a question that bothered me I was to write it down by identifying the issue, express my understanding of it, and draw a conclusion, went well.

By writing this week's assignment down, I found it to be therapeutic. The question I had for my buddy, which I wouldn't have asked for fear of upsetting him, was about  digging deeper into what he said rather than how he said it. Normally, I would hold it in, let it fester, and after a long period of time the festering would boil over and land us into being at each others throat. This tool and practice run certainly did the opposite for me and allowed me to go beyond my fears and simply filter out any negative emotions. And when I was able to ask the question I felt comfortable, relaxed, and we were able to talk, not discuss, but talk about it ... it was good!

As for his response, I feel as though he wasn't absolutely up front with me, and this is where my new assignment comes in. This one is going to be difficult cause even as I think about it I'm getting butterflies in my stomach ... I'm very nervous about this. This assignment may take longer than my last. Nonetheless, I have to do it!

Today, it appears that the bleeding in my bladder is slowing. Todays steam wasn't bright red as it was yesterday. And as the day wore on the amount of blood seems to have decreased.

Tell ya, this scared the heck out of me and I'm still scared ... the "C" word is not a pleasant sounding word. And, I don't want this surprise to be worse the next time around. Tomorrow morning I'm meeting with my Urologist.

To those of you who left messages on yesterday's blog, thank you. And to all of you who called, many thanks.

Until Tomorrow ...

Revised 01/28/11

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