Jan 16, 2011

I’m pretty sure that you’ve heard the saying; “Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”. Funny how sometimes life hands you a mirror and sometimes it’s just amazing what the mirror is reflecting back.

Between Thursday (01/06/11) and today I took some time to step back to pondered a while. From being suspended, taking my anger out on my buddy, to feeling hurt, angry and frustrated, my life and emotions simply went wacky. Yup, what the mirror was reflecting back wasn’t pretty!

After some soul searching I’ve decided to seek counseling. Over the past four years I’ve bottle up unresolved painful emotions which haunt me like some crazy nightmare to this day. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve forgiven all who have caused me pain, but I’ve not forgiven myself. And this is where I, on occasion, trip up and unrealistically release pressure. In a nutshell, I’ve lost trust in people, literally! Therefore, before I can move forward, it’s time for me to seek professional help in order to bring peace back into my life.

Please pray for me!

Until Tomorrow ...

Updated 01/17/11

1 comment:

  1. You know I will pray for you and regardless you know I am here for you...
